 この度、Airplane Labelはミャンマー伝統音楽のロードムービーを完成し、東京において上映が決まりましたことをお知らせします。
この完成に至ったのは、ミャンマーの音楽プロデューサー Maung  Maung Zaw Htet 氏の発案を元に日本とミャンマーで共同制作したBeauty of Tradition の音楽CDを発表したことにあります。
 この完成の喜びをミャンマーのプロデューサーMaung Maung Zaw Htet 氏をはじめ、ミュージシャン、現地の協力者の皆様に感謝すると共に、さらに、私達の作品に理解とご協力をいただきました関係者及び、音楽ファンの皆様に心からお礼申し上げます。
 私たちAirplane Labelはこの映画が日本から海外へ発表する機会に恵まれますよう今後も努力していきます。
川端 潤(プロデューサー)
 Today, Airplane Label is pleased to announce that we have completed our ”road movie” on Myanmar traditional music.  It is decided that the film will be shown in Tokyo.
 It all started from the release of music CD “Beauty of Tradition” which was co-produced by Japan and Myanmar based on an inspiring idea of Mr. Maung Maung Zaw Htet a Myanmar Music producer.  The CD will surely give us the great opportunity to let Japanese public be familiar with Myanmar music, music instrument, performances of musicians and many others.   Besides, with big hopes and belief for being able to let the whole world know Myanmar traditional music, we produced this documentary road movie film.
 Taking this opportunity, we would like to share the happiness of completion of the film together with Mr. Maung Maung Zaw Htet, musicians and people who were kindly cooperated with us.  We also would like to sincerely thank to them as well as to all the people concerned and music fans who kindly showed their understanding to our film.
 We promise you here that we, Airplane Label will keep trying our best efforts for the film to be shown not only in Japan but in all over the world.
お問い合わせ:tokyo@airplanelabel.com - © 2014 Airplanelabel , PROJECTLAMU Inc All rights reserved - Airplanelabel